What Can You Expect When Having A Tooth Extracted

Do you receive a blow to your face while playing your sport? Does an incident cause a shock to the mouth? Ouch! Once the pain is removed, a question may arise. Do I have a cracked tooth? Hard to know for yourself. It is a delicate situation that needs to be analyzed by a specialist.

Thus, in such cases, it is recommended to consult your dentist promptly. His expertise allows him to assess the condition of your natural teeth and to make a diagnosis. Then, according to the results of the cracked tooth analysis, a denturologist can take over. It has several solutions perfectly adapted to your needs to offer you to find your smile.

Discover in this article the various states of a cracked tooth and the possibilities available to you if you have to remove your tooth.

What Are The Symptoms of a Cracked Tooth?

If you are worried about cracked teeth, you should consult your dentist right away. With his skills, he can tell you the seriousness of the situation. Also, it is possible to determine if your tooth will need to be replaced or not.

Generally, symptoms experienced with a cracked or fractured tooth include chewing pain and sensitivity to hot and cold. Also, the appearance of the tooth can sometimes show lesions to the naked eye. In these cases, the fissure may have extended to the level of the dental pulp and even the root.

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Render Of A Cracked Tooth

What Can Occur Due to a Cracked Tooth?

Because symptoms and causes can vary for cracked teeth, be aware that there are several possible scenarios that can arise from the result of a cracked tooth. 

 In general, they are distinguished by the following four characteristics.

1. The Appearance of Microcracks

As the name suggests, microcracks are small and superficial. If your tooth only shows these slight cracks, the dentist will not need to intervene. 

2. The Dental Pulp is Not Affected

If the cracks are more noticeable and they have not reached the dental pulp, then the dentist can repair your tooth. In case you have kept the broken piece, it can pick it up. If the piece is missing, he reproduces it with resin. Also, he can perform a root canal treatment.

3. The Dental Pulp is Reached

If the crack has hit the pulp of your tooth, then the dentist must devitalize the tooth by root canal treatment. Subsequently, depending on the size of the missing piece, he may opt for the installation of a crown on your broken tooth.

4. The root of the tooth is reached

Finally, if the root of your tooth is also fractured, the dentist does not have much choice. He must remove the cracked tooth and invite you to consult a denturologist. As dentures specialist, the denturologist then sees to replace the missing teeth.

What Happens After Extracting a Cracked Tooth?

Your cracked tooth has been removed due to too many cracks? The denturologist takes over. He can offer you some effective options to give you a complete smile and strong teeth.

Thus, the denturologist can make you benefit from a unitary dental implant if it is only a single cracked tooth that has been removed. The implant acts as an artificial root made of titanium, a resistant and biocompatible metal. It serves as a support for a crown that reproduces your natural tooth. You will find all the strength of your chewing and complete and aesthetic dentition.

Also, the denturologist can offer you a partial denture. This removable prosthesis is held in place by hooks or by suction. It is an economical solution to find a complete dentition when you miss one or more of a tooth. It also allows you to chew normally.

As an additional option, the denturologist can also offer you a bridge. It is a rootless crown that is held in place by resting on the two surrounding teeth. It is the dentist who makes the dental bridge because he alone can carve the adjacent teeth. You will also find your entire smile and good chewing ability.

Remember that after a blow to the mouth, you must quickly consult a dentist. It first assesses the condition of your dentition, and if it locates a cracked tooth, it intervenes as necessary. If it is necessary to remove the tooth, the denturologist then takes over to replace the missing tooth. He makes the prosthesis according to the technique of your choice by respecting your needs. As a denture specialist, he has several options to offer to facilitate your chewing and restore the beauty of your smile.

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Group Of Older Women Enjoying Time Outdoors

Oral health and general health should not be seen as separate entities. Oral health is integrated and essential to the total health and well-being of all people.  

Every time we know more about the diseases that derive from a dental or oral problem. There are studies that prove the link between periodontal diseases with cardiovascular diseases, embolisms, respiratory infections, diabetes, osteoporosis, HIV and adverse pregnancy outcomes. A recent study linked the longevity of women and the risk of stroke (CVA) with the health of the gums. 

If you want to stay healthy and prevent systemic diseases you should go to the dentist. If you are pregnant and want your baby to be born healthy, you should go to the dentist. 

The cost of dental care is the main barrier between the dentist and the consumer, as evidenced by recent research. In the United States, 13% said in a survey that they didn’t go to the dentist because of the cost. The discount plans are designed to eliminate that barrier. They are more accessible and lower costs by up to 60%. 

Does Fusion Dental Care Offer a Dental Discount Plan?

YES! Here at Fusion Dental Care we believe that no one should have to go without proper dental care. The Fusion Dental Membership Plan was designed to give individuals without dental insurance an affordable solution for the entire family. With this plan, you eliminate monthly payments, and only pay when you have dental work done. There is no hassle, and no waiting periods or insurance claims to worry about. Simply pay one low annual fee, and you’ll receive a discount on your dental work, as well as free x-rays, exams, and cleanings.

What Are Dental Sealants

Are Discount Dental Plans Similar to Dental Insurance?

Dental discount plans are clearly distinct from dental insurance. In fact, the first thing buyers need to know is that discount dental plans are not dental insurance. However, they resemble dental insurance in that the consumer can choose a dentist within a certain provider network.

However, these dental plans have more than 400,000 general dentists, dental surgeons, orthodontists, children’s dentists and dental health specialists in all states, covering 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They also offer a free smartphone application for those who have little time. You just have to join as a member and show your member ID to any professional in the network. The dental plan may also include vision care.

Do Dental Discount Plans Have Any Advantages Over Dental Insurance?

Discount plans can offer several attractive advantages, which may explain why they are so popular and widely available to consumers. In most cases, the dental discount plan is more accessible and easy to use: there are no deductibles, coinsurance, waiting periods, annual maximums and claim forms. The cost of a discount dental plan is usually lower. In addition, plan holders can know what the actual cost of a procedure is and what the discounts will be in advance, without unpleasant surprises.

Save Money With Fusion Dental Care in Raleigh, NC

If you have any remaining questions about dental discount plans or are hoping to learn more about our own Fusion Membership Plan, please don’t hesitate to contact Fusion Dental Care in Raleigh, NC! We strive to provide exceptional dental care for all regardless of insurance!

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Mother, Father, And Son Outdoors

A good dentist is something that everyone needs in their lives, no matter how much care they could take from their teeth, someday you are going to need to solve a problem related to them, and then you really need to make sure that you are working with a good dentist. Of course, with such a popular job as this one, the availability of dentists in the market is incredible, and subsequently it is very easy to find someone good and experienced that can really help.

And while your dentist may be the best in performing regular procedures, this does not guarantee anything about the quality of your cosmetic services. Good cosmetic dentists are usually totally independent of the good regular ones, so if you need cosmetic procedures on your teeth, you will often have to hire a separate dentist to. Of course, there are some exceptions and sometimes very well you can everything you need from your regular dentist – get but as we said, they are exceptions and not the norm.

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Model Of Teeth On A Table While Dentists Work On A Patient

So Is It Worth Using a Cosmetic Dentist?

In short, yes, it is definitely worth it. Take your time and look for a separate cosmetic dentist from the regular. And it is better if this was done before you really need your services – so even if your teeth are fine now and you are not thinking about any cosmetic procedure, it is still a good idea to take the time and find a good cosmetic dentist in your area, that way if you need your services in the future, you will know exactly who to call, without having to start doing your research first.

Remember that there is a bit of an artistic side to the work of a cosmetic dentist. This makes it a little more difficult to find the right person for the job, as you will not only need to hire someone experienced and qualified, but you must also offer something that you personally enjoy. It’s not an important point when it comes to cosmetic dentists anyway, but it’s still something to highlight about your search and definitely not to ignore.

Do I Need to Visit a Cosmetic Dentist Often?

You should take the time to visit your cosmetic dentist from time to time as well. Those visits do not need to be so frequent and you should not expect to see the direct results of them – but if there is any problem with the appearance of your teeth, a good cosmetic dentist would be able to detect from the beginning and stop in their tracks.

You will eventually really appreciate having a good cosmetic dentist to go to. It may take a while before you even need their services, but once you do, you will realize that it was totally worth the time and effort you have spent to find them. And you never know when you decide something more interesting with your teeth, such as perhaps putting on a new set of veneers so that your smile is truly unforgettable!

Call Fusion Dental Care for Quality Cosmetic Treatments in Raleigh

Our team at Fusion Dental wants to make sure that our patients are comfortable with whatever treatment they choose. Our skilled staff will answer any questions you may have and ensure you understand all of the details every step of the way.  We may even provide molds, x-rays, and photos to help us build you a customized treatment plan.

If you are interested in finding out more about what cosmetic dental treatments we can offer in Raleigh, NC, please contact Fusion Dental to schedule your appointment.

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Dental Team With Model Of Teeth

Fusion Dental Care offers cosmetic dentistry as well as many other services in Raleigh North Carolina. Our goal is to provide the highest level of care to patients of all ages using the latest technology. Fusion offers a relaxed environment, and we offer many dental restoration options for our patients. 

One of the more common requests that our patients have raised to our dentists are questions regarding the removal of white spots or stains from their teeth. This article describes the origins of them, treatment options, and ways that you can prevent them from arising from your own smile!

What Causes White Spots In Teeth?​

While white spots can emerge from a variety of reasons, some of the more common reasons include:

  • Deficiency in the Diet: A diet rich in minerals is essential for dental health. In order to obtain the necessary mineral intake, you must consume foods rich in phosphorus, calcium or magnesium. It should be noted that poor tooth formation can begin during pregnancy, if the mother does not feed properly.

  • Fluorosis: Having an excess of fluoride in the teeth can produce white spots and in turn weaken the tooth enamel. This causes calcium formation and, over time, the stain may turn brown.

  • Decalcification: It occurs when bacterial plaque and acids decalcify the enamel. This becomes a sign that a tooth decay will appear.

  • Bad Dental Hygiene: If you have good dental hygiene you can avoid the appearance of white spots. 
Internalbleachingbefore Raleigh Fusiondental

How to Treat White Spots on Teeth

The treatment for this dental disorder will depend on the origin of the stain. The alternatives that exist to eliminate or decrease them are the following.

  1. Dental Microabrasion: It consists of superficially removing the first enamel layers that are defective. If the spots are very light, they can be removed, if they are dark they are hidden. Then a reconstruction can be done to improve dental color and aesthetics.

  2. Veneers: If the case is more serious, a fine porcelain prosthesis is placed. It adheres to the surface of the tooth to provide a natural and satisfying appearance.

  3. Tooth Whitening: It helps to hide the spots, but does not eliminate them completely. It can be done at home with products intended for this purpose, but it is best to have a tooth whitening treatment performed by a dentist. This is because if it is not applied properly, the effect may be contrary to what is sought.

  4. Apply Topical Fluoride: This in the case of people with hypoplasia. Fluoride helps develop enamel and prevent tooth decay.

How to Avoid the Appearance of White Spots?

White spots on teeth are preventable. First of all, you have to have proper dental hygiene and visit the dentist regularly. Other recommendations you should follow include:

  • Avoid smoking. Cigarettes have dyes capable of staining teeth a lot.
  • Reduce the consumption of beverages and foods that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea or red wine.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. To do this use whitening toothpastes.

If you have orthodontic appliances, it is essential to maintain good dental hygiene to prevent bacterial plaque from accumulating under the bands.

Contact Fusion Dental Care in Raleigh

Our team at Fusion Dental wants to make sure that our patients are comfortable with whatever treatment they choose. Our skilled staff will answer any questions you may have and ensure you understand all of the details every step of the way.  We may even provide molds, x-rays, and photos to help us build you a customized treatment plan.

If you are interested in finding out more about orthodontic appliances in Raleigh, NC, please contact Fusion Dental to schedule your appointment.

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Dentist With Oral Appliance

As long as you have healthy gums and teeth, you are qualified for treatment with your orthodontist, regardless of your age. If you are one of those people who are not happy with your teeth, no matter how old you are, it is never too late to seek a brace treatment to correct the alignment of your teeth, to show off the smile you always wanted to have.

You will be surprised to know that one in three patients are adults, thanks to this high demand, which is constantly growing. New orthodontic systems have emerged, with virtually imperceptible elements, and just as effective as those traditionally used for children or adolescents.

Today we find people between 20, 30, 40 and even 60 and 70 who have decided to opt for an orthodontic treatment to improve not only the aesthetics, but also the functionality of their dentures.

Can Adults Use Oral Appliances?

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It should be known that treatments with braces in adults are more complex than those performed on children, since the maxillary bones are fully developed, so you cannot act directly on them to guide the correct eruption of the teeth, as if It is possible with children. For this reason, the movements cost more than in the case of the little ones, and for that reason, the treatments are longer.

There are times when you have to correct malpositions in the maxillary bones, having in those cases, to resort to a combined treatment of orthognathic surgery at the hospital and orthodontic level.

In addition, it is very common for adults to have other pre-orthodontic treatments to maintain the health and functionality of their teeth, such as root canals, crowns or dental veneers, implants, root canal treatments, etc. These procedures do not imply any impediment when starting an orthodontic treatment, you just have to keep in mind that the mouth should be healthy.

Do Adult Oral Appliances Take Longer than Appliances for Children?

As we said before, in adults, treatments tend to be longer than in children, since they are usually more complex treatments. Procedures aimed at correcting small malpositions will always be reduced. Even so, the duration of an orthodontic treatment in adults ranges between approximately 18 months and two years.

Contact Fusion Dental Care in Raleigh

We recommend that you visit your dentist so that he can guide you towards the right treatment for your needs, and remember that it is never too late to achieve the smile you always dreamed of. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment at our Raleigh dental office, please reach out to Fusion Dental Care by calling us today!

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Dentures

Your denturologist has 3 solutions for a denture that does not fit. In addition to solving the problem of instability, these solutions have the great advantage of stopping gum pain that a denture that does not fit.

As you know, your denturologist has expertise in the fabrication of dental prostheses. It ensures their manufacture, adjustment, and maintenance. His expertise allows him to find effective solutions to the problems that denture wearers may encounter. And he can advise you in the right way because he can make the right diagnosis. That is, he can correctly identify what may be the cause of a denture that does not fit.

Fusion Dental Care (raleigh, Nc) Senior Citizen (male)

How can dentures become unstable?

Over time, many changes occur in the mouth. One of the main reasons that a denture does not hold is bone resorption. This reality affects more or less long term people who wear dentures.

Because of the loss of teeth, the bones of the jaw tend to go away. It is the same for the gums. It brings about a significant change in the mouth that is irreversible. These modifications, therefore, require frequent adjustments to dental prostheses such as a denture.

Your denturologist then acts sensitively to adjust your dental prosthesis. But when the problem of the denture that does not fit becomes more important, your denturologist can focus on one of these three solutions: relining and relining, changing the denture or implant dentures. He will suggest the solution that will best solve your problem, depending on the condition of your mouth, the age of your prosthesis, and its condition, among others.

Relining and Refinishing

Refinishing is about filling the space created between your denture and your gums with acrylic. It is a precision work that aims to adjust the best possible denture to the new shape of the gums and bones of the jaw. By relining, the position of your teeth and the look of your smile do not change, and your comfort is improved. Your denturologist can suggest the reline solution if your denture is in good condition and not too old. Also, this solution can be applied if your gums and jaws are not too resorbed.

The rebasage consists of changing all the acrylic of the dental prosthesis to fit the new forms of the mouth. The teeth on the denture remain the same as well as their position. On the other hand, this process completely modifies the structure of the dental prosthesis. In this way, the desired comfort and stability are achieved.

Although successful, these two techniques are not permanent solutions. Indeed, over the years, the mouth continues to change. And the denture cycle that does not take resumes.

The Change of Denture that Does Not Fit

Sometimes the two preceding methods can not solve the problem of a denture that does not hold, although the resorption of the gums is present. If a diagnosis of incorrect positioning of the teeth is added, your denturologist may then suggest the change of the denture. Indeed, a positioning too external teeth to the tip of the resorbed gums imbalance the denture, which, suddenly, no longer holds as it should. No adjustment intervention is possible. Only a new denture adjusted to the new forms of the mouth corrects the instability that made the denture no longer hold.

Dental Prostheses on Implants

Here is the third solution of your denturologist: dental prostheses on implants. And this is not the least. Indeed, dentures on implants are like natural teeth. They allow eating without pain all that one wants, to chew strongly and to chew easily.

Better still, dentures on implants prevent the deterioration of the mouth over the years. They stop bone and gum losses by stimulating the jaws as real teeth do. This solution, therefore, brings permanent relief to the problem of the denture that does not hold.

Contact Fusion Dental Care in Raleigh, NC

If you are interested in finding out more about dental implants in Raleigh, NC, please contact Fusion Dental to schedule your appointment.

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